
Patient receiving physiotherapy

Our highly experienced physiotherapist team can deal with an amazingly diverse range of injuries and conditions.

They will recommend tailored pro-active treatment techniques that aim to improve your condition as quickly as possible.

What is Physiotherapy?
Patient receiving Fracture Healing
Fracture Healing

We specialise in healing fractures quickly.  We treat anyone looking to get back to normal life as swiftly as possible.

We use a variety of specialised electrotherapy equipment, including LIPUS (low-intensity pulsed ultrasound), LASER, and shortwave.

Fractures We Treat
Patient receiving Medical Acupuncture

Medical Acupuncture is solely based upon scientifically proven methods and results.

In very simple terms, it confuses the signals sent to the brain so that it is less bothered by pain. Using the same process that medication employs, but without the side effects of drugs.

Medical Acupuncture
Patient receiving Electrotherapy

Electrotherapy involves the introduction of electrical energy to injuries to bring about a physiological change. It can be used for a huge variety of injuries and different injured tissue including muscle, ligament, tendon or bone.

It essentially helps with our body’s own healing process by accelerating or kickstarting the response.

What is Electrotherapy?
Patient receiving Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a high-powered sound wave that creates a definitive reaction in the body.

The reaction helps to greatly accelerate the body’s own healing process, and to kick-start healing where it may have been ‘stuck’ or slow to heal such as in tendinopathies.

About Shockwave Therapy
Pilates & Rehab
Pilates & Reformer Pilates

Recover from pain and injury with Pilates-based rehab exercise.  Start your fitness journey with our unique Pilates & Reformer Pilates sessions.

Pilates & Reformer - read more
Women's Health
Pelvic health Physiotherapy

Specific treatments and advice for pelvic girdle pain, pelvic floor dysfunction and preparation for birth.  Book in for a post-natal check whether your baby's birth was 6 weeks, 6 months or 6 years ago - a full examination of abdominal, pelvic floor and postural muscles.

Pelvic health Physiotherapy - read more
Dynamic impulse small
Gait Analysis

Gait Analysis using a high-tech pressure plate.  Generates a detailed analysis of how you walk or run, undetectable to the human eye.

GAIT ANALYSIS - further information