Gait Analysis

High-tech pressure plate gait analysis technology to accurately assess how you walk or run.   Our industry-leading pressure measurement technology gives clinical gait and movement analysis.  The great thing with this system is that we can also use the comprehensive data, if required, to generate 3D-printed bespoke Orthotics.

We can assess:

  • your static stance and balance
  • your dynamic gait
  • potential risk of injury

Dynamic impulse picture

This system has revolutionised how we treat foot, leg and even back problems.  It provides an in-depth assessment of your biomechanics by using the most high-tech pressure plate on the market.  8000 sensors give a detailed analysis of your foot mechanics, undetectable by the human eye.

We will analyse the comprehensive and detailed data.  You will be able to look at visual data which will show pressure points, your foot mechanics, can then analyse, show you the visual data, and send you a report allowing you to understand how your foot mechanics are working.  We will then either prescribe some treatment or exercises to help or use the accurate data to provide completely bespoke 3D printed orthotics for you to wear.

Walking and watching


Who is gait analysis for?

Gait analysis is useful for athletes keen to prevent injuries.  For non-sporty people it is also very useful. Problems with our feet can lead to problems with our ankles, knees, hips and even our back and neck.  Patients with diabetes can be assessed and areas that may be at an increased risk of injury will be highlighted and we suggest appropriate interventions.

Why is this method preferred over a treadmill for a correct gait assessment?

Studies have shown that walking or running on a treadmill significantly changes the natural gait and running pattern of the individual.  It increases the contact time, modifies the pressure distribution, and reduces the peak pressure, especially under the heel, medial metatarsals and the hallux.  This is not the case with our system, making it a more accurate gait analysis tool.

For details about our bespoke, orthotics which are 3D printed, using the detailed data from the dynamic assessment see here

Please see our fee page, for current fees.